Annual Review Meeting 201812 November 2018, Empa Akademie Dübendorf
Goal of the Meeting
The annual review meeting was a part of the meeting of the steering committee. However, to inform about the projects and their results as well as to support the community building, all Principal Investigators (PIs) and Co-PIs of the SFA-AM research projects were invited to attend the presentations of the seven projects founded in the initial program of the SFA Advanced Manufacturing.
Below you find the program of the project review meeting that could be attended by the PIs and Co-PIs who are involved in SFA-AM projects. Each project presentation of 10 minutes was followed by a Q&A session of 5 minutes where the members of the steering committee were able to ask questions.
In the first block, the leaders of the projects which address the Technical Focus Area (TFA) 1 - Precision Free-Form Manufacturing presented their projects. In the second block, the leaders of the projects which address the TFA 2 - Printed Electronics and TFA 3 - Sustainable Digital Manufacturing and Design presented their projects.
Impressions from the Event
About 30 participants came to Dübendorf to get first hand information from the PIs and co-PIs about the progress they have made until now in their research projects. The audience and in particular the steering committee had the chance to ask questions and learn more about first results of the projects. The event also offered the opportunity to meet colleagues and discuss projects and other topics during the coffee break and at the following apéro.
The Project Review Meeting took place in the Empa Akademie in Dübendorf.
The address is: Überlandstrasse 129, 8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland. You can download the directions to Dübendorf here. |