Annual Review Meeting 2021
17/18 March 2022, Online Meeting
Advanced Manufacturing is one of the Strategic Focus Areas (SFA) in the strategic planning of the ETH Board. The SFA Advanced Manufacturing aims to enable fundamental research in engineering science in areas where missing knowledge or technical problems are hindering Swiss companies to use advanced manufacturing technologies.
About 100 participants from academia and industry attended the Annual Review Meeting 2021, which had to be held online due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. One of the goals was to bring together research and industry experts from different disciplines and fields, and, thus, contribute to building a strong and well connected scientific and technical community in advanced manufacturing. Although this networking is not easy in an online setting, the project breakout rooms at the end of each block nevertheless allowed for a lively exchange and discussions among the participants. Goal of the Meeting
At the Annual Review Meetings, the Steering Committee of the Strategic Focus Area Advanced Manufacturing (SFA-AM) reviewed the progress and results of the research projects as well as the measures taken by the participating institutions of the ETH Domain to build up capacity and to establish new technology platforms in the field of advanced manufacturing.
In addition, the event gave the scientific and technical community in advanced manufacturing insight into the projects and activities funded by the SFA-AM. Interested representatives from academia and industry were invited to attend the meeting to learn more about the research activities of the SFA-AM and to foster the exchange and collaboration inside the advanced manufacturing community. Program
The program of the Annual Review Meeting 2021 was divided into six blocks which were covered during two half-days. In the first five blocks the leaders of the research projects presented the results that had been achieved since the project start in 2017, 2018 and 2021, respectively. In the sixth block, the representatives of the participating ETH institutions presented the planned or already realized measures to build up capacities and to establish new technology platforms in advanced manufacturing.
Day 1 - 17 March 2022
Day 2 - 18 March 2022
Invitation and Program
Project Presentations
CB&TP Presentations