Workshop - Information Exchange and Consortia Building
in the Expansion Program of the SFA Advanced Manufacturing, 6 July 2017, EPFL at Microcity in Neuchâtel
Participants and goal of the workshop
This workshop addressed the Principal Investigators (PI) of the four participating ETH institutions who are active in the two new Technical Focus Areas (TFA) of the Expansion Program “Sensing Technologies” and “Intelligent Systems and Advanced Automation” and who are seeking funding for research activities related to these two TFAs of the Expansion Program.
The goal of the workshop was to bring these PIs together, to give them the opportunity to present and discuss their project ideas, to exchange information and to build consortia across the four ETH institutions. Impressions from the workshop
33 PIs and researchers from the ETH Domain attended the workshop. The workshop program included 12 different presentations as well as opportunities for group discussions and consortia building.
Program and schedule
You can download the detailed workshop program with all planned presentations here.
Workshop Presentations (password protected access for PIs only)
The access to the workshop presentations is password protected and only available for participating PIs. If you are a PI from one of the four participating ETH institutions and you have not yet received the password, please contact the Program Manager of the SFA Advanced Manufacturing, Lars Sommerhäuser to get the necessary password.
Here you will find the presentations shown at the Workshop as PDF files. |
Related Documents
Workshop invitation
Workshop program
List of participants